Centrum Center was happy to have us!
I am a part of a group of mosaic artists living in the Pacific Northwest. We have shown work together since 2017. Last year, we discussed figuring out a way to gather together in person, create art and bounce off each others’ creativity. An opportunity arose to apply for a self-directed residency at the Centrum Center, Fort Worden, Port Townsend, WA. One of our members, a writer as well as mosaic artist, made our application. We were accepted and offered a week in January, 2022. And here we are!
The week was filled with intense work in the studio, fueled by creative camaraderie and support. We were able to take walks around the beautiful property, on the beach with views of a lighthouse, and often glimpses of the mountains to the north, south and east of us. Evenings were spent in warm gatherings sharing delicious meals, prepared in turn by everyone in the group. Many of us felt that one week was not enough! Not nearly enough time to enjoy all Port Townsend and Fort Worden have to offer, in addition to many hours in the studio. We’ll explore the possibility of returning next year, perhaps for two weeks!
# 1 & #2: Monday night:unpacking, Scott, Todd and Joanne, Meghan and Nancy. #3: Me with my sketch in the studio at the beginning of the week. #4: Beautiful sky early in week.
There were many agendas for what my colleagues and I brought to the residency regarding the work. Some had specific projects already in progress and were either determined to complete while at Centrum, or make great strides on. Others were all about exploration and experimentation. I thought I had a specific project I wanted to make good progress on, with a specific end-goal for the work. During the course of the week, that plan was challenged.
I came with substrate prepared, and sketch and cartoon completed. The piece may be going to our “Portals” exhibition coming up May–June. I’d chosen a photograph I took last year in Spain, that was pretty literally a portal. I don’t often do representational work, but have done a couple of impressionistic-type landscapes in my career. I was wanting to stretch myself in that direction again.
The results are still out on whether I will finish it in time for the show, and even if I do, will I like it? At the moment, I’ve set the piece aside, and will return to it when I get back from our time in Spain. Which is where I am as I write this! I’ll be working on other ideas while I’m here. I have some new ideas I’m exploring. Abstract things relating to portals. Stay tuned!
Everybody working!
WIP. This will become “Puertola de Bestué”, with more work and tweaking. We’ll see if it’s successful in the end!
Most of the group with the community pieces we made together. So much fun!