I received a pleasant surprise email on Friday. Last year, a musician from Hillsboro contacted me, telling me about a project he and some colleagues designed. They wanted to write a suite of jazz music inspired by some of the public art in Hillsboro. My mosaic in Magnolia Park was one of the works he chose!
He and one of his colleagues did a Zoom interview with me, talking about the work, my process and inspiration. He said they’d be working to write and record the suite, and with luck (and funding!) they’d complete it and unveil it at a concert in Hillsboro in 2022.
Fast forward to last Friday and I received the email from Dan Bosshardt, the musician whose project it is, saying it’s complete, and asked me to approve the use of images of my artwork on the CD insert. The biggest surprise was the artwork on the disc itself. The medallion of the Magnolia Park mosaic, being round, was a perfect choice to adorn the disc!
They had secured grants to completely fund the project, and the CD is out. There will be an “album release” concert on August 21, 2022, in Hillsboro. I am excited that I will be able to attend! The date fits perfectly in a previously scheduled trip we’ve got planned to be in the Portland area. The concert is free and open to the public, so all my friends and family in the Hillsboro/Portland area are invited!
Bits of the CD insert and the disc artwork. Proof copies of the art before printing.
Out There Jazz Suite
album release party
Sunday, August 21, 2022, 3–5 pm
Jerry Willey Plaza in Orenco Station, Hillsboro.
This is a free, outdoor, family friendly concert.